AHO is managed by 3 Board of Directors, who develop policies and monitor program implementation. The Board meets quarterly to discuss progress. The Executive Director manages the organization and maintains regular communication with all the sections/ departments. AAS is structured into 6 units: Program, Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Fundraising, with each led by a Manager.
Each section’s manager is in charge of their specific programs, guaranteeing proper implementation with the help of the ED. The Head Office analyses progress, engages with government ministries, CSOs, and CBOs, and serves as a contact with donor organizations. AAS holds weekly and monthly employee meetings to track progress, as well as external evaluations to identify gaps and improve performance.
The Organization has developed its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) to standardize its operations and run the organizational affairs in transparent way. The following SOP’s are available in document as well as in practice at all organizational offices:
- Financial & Procurement Policy
- Human Resource Policy
- Gender Policy